How to Effectively Use Cutback Weeks in Your Training

How to Effectively Use Cutback Weeks in Your Training

Running is a balance of stress and rest. The harder you work, the more rest you need. Rest allows your body to recover. When you recover, you can handle higher bouts of concentrated stress. As you adapt, you can handle faster paces, higher mileage, and bigger workouts – and get sustainably faster in the process. Without appropriate recovery, your body breaks down, leading to overtraining, performance plateaus, burnout, and overuse injuries. Rest days allow you to handle a higher training load than if you ran daily. Likewise, cutback weeks allow your body to recover and adapt to training.

In his book Peak Performance, Steve Magness argues “If we never take easy periods, we are never able to go full throttle and hard periods end up being not that hard at all….we are recommending that you strategically insert longer periods of rest to follow long periods of stress.”

Rest days provide recovery on a micro (weekly scale). Recovery blocks and weeks off do so on a macro scale. To fully benefit, you also need something in between – which is where cutback weeks come in.

What are Cutback Weeks?

Cutback weeks are deliberate reductions in training load (volume and intensity). They occur at regular intervals in your training plan. The purpose is to allow your body to recover from hard training and adapt to the training load. Whether you are focused on upcoming races or long-term progress, strategic cutback weeks help you achieve your goals. 

How Often Should You Take a Cutback Week?

Several variables factor into the frequency of a cutback week. Broadly speaking, you take a down week following every two to four weeks of hard training – but let’s look more into what variables determine the frequency. 

Injury history and risk are the biggest factors. Generally, injury-prone runners should take more frequent cutback weeks. Runners preparing for a new distance (such as their first marathon) or experimenting with higher mileage or intensity should also incorporate them frequently into their training. Runners who train at high volume and high intensity may also opt for frequent reductions.

Your training phase also determines how frequently you take a cutback week. Anytime you deliberately increase training stress, such as increasing mileage or training for a race, you want to reduce training load after every 2-4 weeks of hard training. If you are focused on maintaining fitness between races, you can do cutback weeks less frequently – about everything 3-6 weeks. The off-season already prioritizes recovery, so you do not need to incorporate scheduled cutback weeks. 

The longer your training cycle, the more often you should take cutback weeks. If you devote four or five months to training for a marathon, cutback weeks after 2-3 weeks of hard training will minimize mental burnout. If you prefer a shorter training cycle, you can go slightly longer and only cut back after every 3-4 weeks. 

Finally, your mental state influences the frequency of cutback weeks. If you are prone to burnout, take frequent cutback weeks (one after every 2-3 weeks of hard training). If cutback weeks feel more disruptive than beneficial, schedule one less frequently (but still take them). 

As with anything in running, it is always, always better to be slightly under-trained then overtrained. This principle applies to cutback weeks: you will benefit more from taking them slightly more often than from not taking them often enough. 

How Much Do You Reduce Training Load?

A cutback week primarily reduces training volume (mileage). Most runners will reduce mileage by approximately 15-25%. This reduction is typically spread amongst most runs of the week. If you are in marathon or half marathon training, the long run may account for a significant chunk of the cutback. 

 Intensity is a secondary factor in training load. Intensity is a stress just as much as volume. However, treatment of intensity during a recovery week varies more than the approach to reducing mileage.

 Some runners will feel flat without too much reduction. For these runners, the intensity will reduce proportionally with the mileage. For example, if you run 40 miles with a 5-mile tempo run, your cutback week will likely include 30-33 miles of running and a 4 mile tempo. 

 Other runners (often injury-prone) will benefit from a greater reduction in intensity. Some runners may even skip a quality workout during these weeks, especially in base building or early on in a training cycle. 

Implementing Cutback Weeks into Your Training

Your exact approach will vary based on your training phase, schedule, injury risk, and even experience. Your training adapts over time, so how you structured cutback weeks three years ago may not presently work. Observe how you feel throughout the training cycle and on race day and use that information to assess the efficacy of your approach. 

Cutback weeks should be strategic and serve the overall goal of your training. You may find you want to adapt the exact timing of your cutback weeks based on practical measures. This approach may mean you occasionally take a cutback week sooner than normal, and that is okay. For example, reducing mileage and intensity ideal after a tune-up race. Female runners may choose to time recovery weeks around their menstrual cycle if they notice hormone fluctuations or period-related pain affect their training. If you are taking a vacation, use that as a cutback week so you can fully enjoy your trip and not worry about a big tempo workout or 20 mile long run. 

It is normal to feel sluggish or antsy at the start of a cutback week. Your body is using the extra rest as an opportunity to recover and adapt, and that process does not always render you feeling your freshest. By the start of the next week, however, you should feel refreshed and ready to tackle your training again.

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13 Responses

  1. A very timely post for me, thank you! I’m doing a cutback week this week as I’ve noticed the last week or so I’ve felt more tired and am lacking a bit in motivation to run. I do cutback weeks religiously when training for a race but I’m not training fir anything at the moment and have kept my mileage pretty consistent week to week since recovery from my last half marathon in early March. Fingers crossed I feel better next week!

  2. Great info! When I am training I usually take a cut back week every 3 weeks or so. Lately its been less frequent but I’ve still been making a point to take recovery weeks due to the virtual races. It usually feels weird to run less those weeks, but it definitely helps with recovery and to prevent burnout!

  3. I love cutback weeks and I look forward to them! When I’m in training, I usually take one every 3 weeks. It’s amazing how that refreshes me and makes me look forward to pushing myself again!

  4. When I was really training more for tri races, I was much more focused on cut back weeks and training load. Admittedly, I don’t pay much attention to it anymore. Perhaps I should! Thanks for linking up!

  5. Interestingly enough, I just made myself a training plan and instead of putting any workouts in my cutback weeks, I just left them blank. I wouldn’t do that for a newer runner, but I’m completely comfortable just using them as a week to run whatever feels best for me. This will be an experiment, for sure. I’ve never done this before. But could be beneficial! Stay tuned.

  6. I’m not actively training for anything, but I do feel like I’m due for a cutback week right now! It’s good to have an idea in mind of every 4 weeks or so while I’m in between training. I’m so worried about pushing myself too hard and getting (re)injured!

  7. Great stuff! I take them when they pop up in my training week. I don’t usually feel motivated to take them on my own, but when my plan calls for it, I follow along.

  8. Thank you, I needed this! I have been increasing consistently since May 2020 and all of a sudden everything hurts. Duh! Time to fit these cutback weeks in starting now.

  9. Thanks for the information. I strength train with moderate to heavy weight and am training for a half-marathon though but push my long run distance closer to that of marathon training. I’m one that does best with consistent training, but I’m feeling tiered and achy all over despite my usual recovery techniques. I’m going to be brave a reduce intensity and volume this week. Something in me is always scared to take more that a full day off as I seem to eat more and get bored easily when not training.

  10. I heard somewhere that your long run should be cut back to 90 minutes on down weeks. I think the reasoning was an about the depletion of glycogen stores, and that you won’t tap into those stores if you don’t go above 90 minutes and so you can build up your stores a little on down weeks. Have you I heard of this? Is there any validity to it?

    1. Hi Jacobi – thank you for commenting! It is true that runs over 90 min do deplete glycogen stores more, which is why it is so heavily encourage to consume intra-run carbohydrates on those runs. However, there is no real validity to this approach for cutback weeks, especially if the athlete is eating enough. For marathoners/ultra runners, they will still often surpasses 90 min for long runs in most cutback weeks.

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