May in Review: Short Term and Long Term Goals

May in Review: Short Term and Long Term Goals

May began as a month focused on a singular short-term goal – PRing in the 10K – and transitioned to focus on long-term goals. These long term goals include training for a marathon PR in the fall, building my strength, and focusing on a strong season of hiking through the summer and fall. Overall, May was a strong month of running, from a 10K PR to focusing my sights on the long and steady base-building of the summer months. 

May in Review: Short Term and Long Term Goals

Spring Goals: May in Review

Alleviate Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis

I haven’t experienced any symptoms of PF throughout most of the month of May. My heel did feel tight after the 10k race at the start of the month, but that was the only occurrence. I’ve continued to be diligent about stretching, especially if running first thing in the morning, and foam rolling. I haven’t ice much this month, but honestly, I haven’t felt the need to. 

I was most excited that my PF didn’t flare up at all during our hike this past weekend. My heel felt tight and achy near the end of a 4 mile hike at the end of April and I contemplated getting insoles for my hiking boots. 

Run a Sub 45 Minute 10K

Check! I ran a 43:53 at the Snohomish Women’s Run in early May. The race felt surreal, including the time on the clock at the finish line.  

Maintain a Base of 30-40 Miles Per Week

I took a taper week before the race and down week after the race to let my body recover from the race. But since then, I have run 32-34 miles per week and the mileage has felt really good. I ran 6 days those weeks and my plan for summer is to try to run 6 days per week on the weeks we don’t hike (hopefully we are hiking most weekends this summer!). 

Strength Train 2-3 Times Per Week

I did decently well on this goal. Some weeks I only got in one weight lifting and one Pilates session, but that’s still 2 hard strength workouts per week. I started using my kettlebell again, which add a much-needed stimulus and variety to my strength training. The combination of the kettlebell and stability ball are enough to make strength training challenging and fun for me – which I need to motivate myself to go to the gym and lift. 

May in Review

I really want to work on my upper body strength this summer – both for aesthetic and performance reasons. My arm swing hasn’t felt as strong and smooth, and I know that upper body strength matters for good running form during marathon training. 

Additional Core Work and Mobility Work 

I missed the mark on this goal for most of the month, although after a couple of recent runs, I did some planks, clamshells, and bridges. I need to refocus on this goal as June begins! 

Looking Forward: Summer Goals

I begin marathon training in August for the California International Marathon. Ryan is training for his first half marathon starting in mid-June, so we will be doing long runs together throughout the summer. My primary goal is to maintain a strong base before marathon training.  Last summer my average weekly mileage was lower as I came back from injury, so my hope is that a strong base will aid me in pursuing a PR in the marathon. 

I want to add in one harder run most weeks, such as short threshold run, a progression run, or a fartlek run. I’ll probably do a week of easy running every few weeks as a cutback week (probably coinciding with backpacking trips). 

May in Review

Hiking is a big summer goal for Ryan and me. After a long winter, hiking season is already here (yes, we could have hiked more in spring, but neither of us was excited about the idea of hiking in snow at that point in the year). I was surprised at how good my hiking fitness was when we hiked Lake Serene this past weekend.

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What short term and long term goals are you working towards?
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8 Responses

  1. May was a great month for you, especially with your huge 10k PR! Glad your heel has been feeling better. It sounds like you have yourself set up to have a strong summer of running and hiking!

  2. I’m so happy to see so many “checks” of your goals from the past year. You have earned each and every one! I’m also excited to see what you can do at CIM this year and how fun to be able to have an in-home training partner…besides the dogs 🙂
    And keep those hiking pictures coming. There are just gorgeous!!

  3. I managed to run consistently all month which was really my only goal this May and is my only goal at all right now with the injuries earlier this year (mainly because I know consistent running beats any single workout or race time). You did so awesome in the 10K and I’m glad you met your goals!

  4. You’re a goal-checking machine!!! I’m not sure if you guys get this but the Canadian Running magazine is REALLY GOOD this month. I’m not a fan of Runner’s World, and I really miss Running Times, but Canadian Running Mag is a good compromise. There’s a strength work routine in there with photos that I think you’d like because it works on the arm swing and the strength involved to keep our form from breaking down when we’re tired. I can message you photos of the article if you want! Let me know!

  5. I’m so glad you kept the PF at bay! Congrats on the 10K PR. I also love hearing about the hiking and seeing those great pictures. My own PF is receding. I’m out of the boot (yeah!) and have been able to do some very short pain-free (!) walks. Celebrating that!

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