One of the many running blogs I enjoy reading, Miss Zippy, is hosting a Year in Running 2014 link-up for a end of the year review in running. I decided to join because 2014 was a big year in running for me, as it was the first of many years to come of racing!
Best race experience?: Hands-down, the Valparaiso Half Marathon. The weather was cold and quite windy, but that’s just November in northwest Indiana so I expected such. The Valpo Half was my best race experience of the year for several reasons: it was my first half marathon, I ran it three minutes faster than my goal, and I got second in my age group! The course was also gloriously flat with only a few turns so it was perfect for a PR.
Best run?: I had a lot of great runs this year but one that stands out is the first 12-miler I did to prepare for the Valpo Half. The run was in early October and I had just discovered an amazing 1.5 loop that went around some woods and a pond. So pretty! This run was one of the first days of the year where the temperature was near freezing (I think it was 34 degrees) and it sleeted, but I was having such an amazing run that I enjoyed the cold. I kept a great pace for a training long run and finished feeling so strong.
Best piece of new gear?: That’s a tricky one because I tried a lot of awesome new gear this year (like this amazing GapFit running jacket that blocks out wind or the Knuckle Lights that brighten up early morning runs). I would have to say my Garmin 10, which my mom gave me as an early birthday present at the start of half marathon training. It is simple to use, accurate, and I never run without it. Garmin also designed it to fit smaller female wrists so it doesn’t slide halfway up my arm like some watches do.
Best Piece of Running Advice You Received: When I first told my husband my goal for the Valpo Half (sub-1:50 for my first half marathon), he told me I could do that and even better. To stop saying “I can’t” and not to put a limit on what I’m capable of doing is the best piece of advice for running (and life in general!).
Most Inspirational Runner: I find inspiration in so many people: (1) My husband, who started running again this year! (2) So many of the amazing running bloggers out there! (3) Lauren Fleshman, who is a runner, writer, mother, wife, and businesswomen
If You Could Sum Up Your Year in a Couple of Words, What Would They Be?: Blessed. Inspired. Limitless.
Question of the Day:
How was your year in running in 2014?
1 Response
You go, girl!