Four Things Fun Facts

Hi, everyone! As I write this, I’m surrounded by moving boxes. We’re down to our last full day in Valpo and are at mile 25 of this packing marathon. 

A few months ago, I saw this Four Things survey on a few blogs. To go along with lighter content for this week, I thought I’d post it here. I want to get to know all of you, my awesome readers, better, so play along in the comments with me! 

Four Random Facts about Me:
1. I can’t stand to watch claymation movies. The animation really creeps me out.
2. I’ve studied Latin, Ancient Hebrew, and German. I also tried to teach myself French but that failed. 
3.  I’ve never had a pedicure or dyed my hair.
4. While we had a small cake for the bride and groom/photos, I baked and decorated all of the cupcakes for our wedding reception. It wasn’t too bad—only about 12 dozen and a bridesmaid and Ryan helped, and it was actually really fun.

Four Jobs I’ve Had:
1. Pilates/Yoga Instructor
2. Writing Consultant 
3. Graduate Research Assistant
4. Publication Editor (for a very small publication at my undergrad!)

Four Movies I’ve Watched More than Once:
1. The Avengers
2. Star Wars
3. Lord of the Rings
4. Pocahatas (yes, I still love the Disney movies from my childhood!)

Four Books I’d Recommend:
1. Hansons Marathon Method
2. The Great Gatsby
3. Confessions by St. Augustine
4. Lord of the Rings

Four Places I’ve Lived:
1. Kirkwood, MO
2. Reutlingen, Germany
3. Dayton, OH
4. Valparaiso, IN

Four Places I’ve Visited:
1. Budapest, Hungary
2. Brugge, Belgium
3. Edinburgh, Scotland
4. Luxembourg

Brugge, Belgium
Brugge, Belgium

Four Place I’d Rather Be Right Now:
1. Seattle
2. St. Louis
3. Reading and drinking coffee with Ryan
4. Not surrounded by moving boxes

Four Things I Don’t Eat:
1. Protein powder. It grosses me out. 
2. Soda
3. Taco Bell
4. Kale. I know, bad running/food blogger, but after kale chips gone wrong…

Four of My Favorite Foods:
1. Sweet potatoes
2. Peanut Butter
3. Oatmeal
4. Roast Chicken

Sweet Potato Love.
Sweet Potato Love.

Four Shows I Watch:
1. Grimm
2. Supernatural
3. Dr. Who
4. How I Met Your Mother

Four Things I’m Looking Forward to This Year:
1. Moving to Seattle
2. Our one-year wedding anniversary
3. Portland Marathon
4. Christmas in St. Louis


Four Things I’m Always Saying:
1. Charlie, please don’t do that.
2. I need more coffee.
3. Today on my run…
4. I have a question.

Question of the Day:
Play along with a few of these and tell me your four things!

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10 Responses

    1. Part of the reason I’ve never got one is probably because I’d keep going back 🙂 But I’m also a nail polish addict so I have endless color to do my own nails at home.

  1. SO with you on the anti-claymation. WHO THOUGHT THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA?? It is so super creepy to me. So creepy. ::shivers:: I do protein powder but really only to bake with it–I’m not an all-the-protein-powder type. So it tends to languish.

  2. Wait a sec. Is that peanut butter ON a sweet potato??? I’ve never seen that before… but I want to try it RIGHT NOW. I love your “four things I’m always saying”… mine are similar:

    1. Dixie, NO!
    2. Why? (I annoyingly ask this about everything)
    3. Thomas, can you….
    4. Guess what!

    1. Um, you must try peanut butter on a sweet potato now! It sounds weird but it is so good, especially since the sweet potato melts the peanut butter. Hope you enjoy it! 🙂

  3. Congratulations on the move – it’s so awful packing everything up and getting settled but so nice when it’s all done! Such a lovely pics!

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