Life Lately and Weekly Workouts (February 9)

Hello, everyone! How was your weekend?

Life Lately Feb 9

Winter is starting to wear on us. All of last week was snow, wind, and super cold temperatures, and the warmer weekend temperatures made everything slushy. Any sidewalks that were shoveled (which was not many) became miniature ponds of melted snow. Now that the temperatures are back below freezing, everything is covered in ice! Is it spring yet? 

Life Lately Feb 9

I know I could have ran outside some of the days this week, but I honestly did not feel like dodging snow and ice and dealing anymore with the cold. With the ice now everywhere, it looks like this week is going to be another week spent on the treadmill! But better the treadmill than no running at all, and better the treadmill than slipping on ice and injuring myself before training starts. Bright pink running clothes brighten up even the most boring treadmill run. 

Life Lately Feb 9

Since it was practically zero degrees outside and we were surrounded by mountains of snow, soup was the perfect dinner choice for this week. I always make my stock from leftover chicken bones, and this week I let it simmer extra long. It makes the apartment so warm and smell so good on a dreary and cold winter day!

Life Lately Feb 9

 This weekend was full of reading, binge-watching the first season of Heroes on Netflix, and puggle snuggles.

Life Lately Feb 9


I’m getting my mileage almost as high as I did during half marathon training. So far it’s been feeling good, possibly in part because it’s all been on a treadmill and I’ve been doing only one harder workout and one longer run a week. 

Monday: 7 miles easy on the treadmill, 59:21 (8:28/mile), plus squats and planks
Tuesday: 8 miles fartlek on the treadmill with 4 x 5 minutes at 7:12/mile pace (average pace 8:04/mile)
Wednesday: 7 miles easy on the treadmill, 1:02:18 (8:53/mile), and 25 minutes Pilates
Thursday: 4 miles easy on the treadmill, 36:44 (9:11/mile), followed by 15 minutes of bodyweight strength training
Friday: 12 miles on the treadmill, 1:42:03 (8:30/mile). 

38 miles total for the week!

Life Lately Feb 9

The 12 miles on the treadmill were long enough for it to restart the timer, but amazingly I didn’t get super bored. It was actually a really good run! I varied the incline and speed enough to keep it from feel mentally and physically monotonous. Read my tips on doing long runs on a treadmill here!

How was your weekend?

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