Weekly Workouts: Running Economy

Weekly Workouts: Running Economy

Last week was another week of hitting my highest mileage since I fractured my foot (all the way back in fall 2018)! I ran 37 miles (and change) and felt great. 

My focus over the next several weeks is building my running economy and aerobic base. This involves lots of easy miles and some short, fast bursts of running. I do many of my runs with the stroller, so this approach works well for this stage of motherhood.

Weekly Workouts: Running Economy

Monday: Rest day

Now that the weather is getting nicer, longer walks are a priority on rest days. 

Tuesday: 7 mile stroller run

With winds at 15 mph and gusts up to 25 mph, this stroller run became a resistance workout. It probably is the windiest I would ever take a stroller out in. Some crosswinds required extra grip to stabilize the stroller. When we ran into the headwind, I felt like we were barely moving. I kept the effort as easy as I could, averaging a 9:00/mile. The pace was an average from a wide range: into the wind I barely hit below a 9:45/mile, but with the wind at my back I cruised at an 8:20/mile or faster. 

I used the Thule mesh weather cover and Isla barely noticed the wind. She will fuss if the wind hits her too hard. With the cover, she napped and cooed happily when she awakened. 

Wednesday: 5 mile surges run & strength training

Now sunrise is early, I feel more comfortable running early. We live in a very safe area (in terms of both crime and traffic), but I simply dislike running in the dark (and will choose the treadmill over it). It was nice to do a weekday workout outdoors, especially short intervals focused on form. I was home in time to join Ryan for breakfast before he left for work at 7, which was nice also!

I ran 2 miles easy before doing 8 x 30 seconds surge with 60 seconds easy in between. I ran the surges fast (not hard for the relative duration), or roughly at mile to 3K pace. My paces ranged from 6:15-6:30 and felt good! 

Before Isla woke up, I completed my strength workout. I am in the final week of ReCore2 and enjoyed the challenge of new exercises. Weekly Workouts: Running Economy

Thursday: 7.3 mile stroller run

A decent breeze was present, but thankfully not as strong as Tuesday’s run. These 7 mile runs with the stroller are feeling more comfortable; my hope is to increase the distance I can do with the stroller soon. Isla spent the whole time looking around, cooing and babbling as she observed the trees and birds. 

Weekly Workouts: Running Economy

Friday: 4 mile stroller run

I intended to run with Ollie before Ryan left for work. However, I hit snooze one too many times. Ollie needed exercise, so I decided to attempt to run him on a neighborhood loop. If it did not go well, I could always quickly drop him off at home. Surprisingly, this run went well! We saw no cars and no other people and had a wide, flat road to run in. 

Saturday: 10.1 mile long run

The weather was reminiscent of our time in Seattle: 40 degrees with rain and a light wind. The weather was not necessarily bad; it simply requires a bit of grit. I set my watch so I could only see total time and distance, not pace. I managed to keep a consistent pace of 8:35-8:45/mile for most of the run (after a warm-up mile of 9:00 and a final mile of 8:15). The ten miles were enjoyable, as was the hot cup of coffee and breakfast burrito after.

Weekly Workouts: Running Economy

I wear a hydration vest even on 10 mile runs now! Breastfeeding requires a high fluid intake and I find myself thirsty on runs longer than 60-75 min. I do not want to use any public fountains with the virus. Thankfully, this Ultimate Direction vest is comfortable, even in pouring rain.  

Sunday: 4 mile run + strides & strength training

Ryan and I took Isla in the stroller and Ollie for an easy run. We had a few stops for dog and stroller reasons, which were fine since the focus of this run was just easy miles.

After the run, I completed four 20-second strides, with 60-seconds of walking recovery in between. I am starting with a small dose of these to get into the habit first. I know they are beneficial and see the results in my athletes; I just need to take the time to do them!

After brunch and putting Isla down for a nap, I completed another two sets of the week 12 ReCore2 exercises. 

Linking up with Weekly Rundown

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9 Responses

  1. Stroller runs definitely count as resistance work too! Pushed a friend’s stroller a few times and was very surprised how much harder it was. Way to get in another solid week of training. Thanks for linking up today

  2. The wind has been ridiculous this spring, hasn’t it? I can’t even imagine running with a stroller into the wind. Nice job with that!

    I’m considering a hydration vest for my ultra training–I’ve always been a handheld bottle person–I’ve never run with a vest. I’ll have to see how the long runs go. Glad to know you like that one.

  3. That wind! I can totally relate LOL I took water along with me for my 13.1 on Saturday…the first time I’ve taken hydration along on a run since MCM (late October). I almost grabbed my hydration vest…but just couldn’t do it for a virtual race. I know #mybad

  4. I tried using a cover on the stroller a few months ago (it was supposed to block wind and rain) but Grayson kept pulling it off. It wasn’t the Thule brand so I think it just wasn’t a good quality one. I also don’t think he liked being trapped under it. He doesn’t even like when I pull the cover down on the stroller to block the sun. I don’t want to invest in the Thule one if it isn’t something we will get much use out of.
    Pushing the stroller in the wind is HARD! Great job this week!

  5. Great job! I can’t imagine running in the wind with a stroller – I’ve still got a few months before I have to worry about that!

    I am in need of a new hydration vest – my Orange Mud one is a wreck. I’ll have to check yours out!

  6. Running with a stroller is HARD WORK. You’re a rockstar.

    I am working on learning how to run again. It’s a long, ugly process, but we are getting there, slowly but surely. Looking forward to seeing how this week goes.

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