At-Home Strength Workouts for Runners

At-Home Strength Workouts for Runners

There are times where external circumstances hinder workouts. While you can run outside in many conditions, a blizzard, the current coronavirus pandemic (at the time of this publication), a busy schedule, or other circumstances may prevent you from going to the gym. However, you can still do your necessary strength training with these at-home workouts for runners!

Yes, strength training is necessary for runners. You improve your performance, including improving speed in the 5K and fatigue resistance in the marathon. You prevent injury, as many biomechanical weaknesses are the cause of many injuries. While it can be tempting to skip strength training when you cannot access a gym, you can always complete strength training at home! These workouts also will keep you active if you are unable to run outside or access a treadmill.

These strength workouts utilize either bodyweight or very simple pieces of equipment (kettlebells, resistance bands, medicine balls, a mat, or dumbells). You do not need any barbells, gym machines, benches, or other large pieces of equipment. (Want to build your own home gym? This post explains how!)

At-Home Strength Workouts for Runners

Core Workouts

Core work is incredibly beneficial for runners. A strong core improves running form. In turn, good form reduces injury risk and improves performance. The stronger your core, the more efficient your form at any given pace. Core work is often based on bodyweight movements, making it a practical and simple option for an at-home workout.

Functional Core Workouts for Runners
Stability Ball Core Workout
Core Workouts for Runners

Injury Prevention Workouts

Weak hips and weak or misfiring glutes are often the culprits behind a whole host of injuries. At-home workouts focused specifically on injury prevention target the hips and glutes. You can add these onto your normal strength session or complete them as a workout on their own.

Resistance Band Workout
Quick Injury Prevention Exercises for Runners
Lateral Strength Exercises for Runners
Injury Prevention Workouts for Runners

Total Body Strength Training

Runners do not need long, intensive strength sessions. You can condition and strengthen most muscle groups in 30 minutes or less. Most of these workouts utilize only one piece of equipment (kettlebell, medicine ball, etc) or the very basic pieces of home gym equipment.

Equipment-Based Workouts for Runners
Functional Kettlebell Workouts for Runners
Quick Strength Workout for Long Distance Runners
Total Body Medicine Ball Workout
Indoor Workouts for Runners
30 Day Strength Training Plan for Runners

With all of these at-home strength workouts, you can stay consistent with your strength training – even if the gym is closed and other workout options are limited.

Linking up with Runner’s Roundup linkup!

What’s your go-to at-home strength workout?

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8 Responses

  1. These are all great suggestions! There really are so many workouts we can do at home. We just need to get creative! All of this just might force us to get into better shape. Thanks for linking up w us and hang in there

    1. Thanks so much for this great post, I just discovered your blog! Which of these workouts would you recommend during pregnancy (I’m in my first trimester)? It’s really hard to find good workouts for pregnant women that aren’t too easy! Thanks!!

      1. Congrats on your pregnancy! When I was pregnant, I followed my OB’s recommendations: I modified how much I lifted, adjusted planks and push-ups once I started to show, and was cautious about any bulging. (My OB said supine exercises were okay for a couple minutes at a time.) Sometime during my late second or early third trimester, I shifted away from single leg exercises and adjusted my core work to avoid any coning. I also did lots of prenatal Pilates and pelvic floor work! Of these workouts, I often did the resistance band one, functional kettlebell, and quick injury prevention exercises while pregnant (the kettlebell one was photographed in my first trimester!).

  2. I admit, I’ve let me runner-strength training fall to the wayside for the last few months. But today I started it back up again! Why? Because I was at home… 🙂 So much easier to do those kinds of workouts at home than at the gym.

  3. All great ones.

    Right now, the bulk of my strength is coming from bodyweight balance moves on my injured leg, as well as some moves with weights for my upper body.

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