6 Indoor Workouts for Runners {Monthly Workout Roundup}

Check out these 6 indoor workouts for runners the next time you need a quick sweat session while stuck inside.

Is spring ever going to arrive? It’s here in Seattle, but I know we’re a bit of an anomaly compared to the rest of the country, where cold temperatures and snowstorms still threaten to keep eager runners inside for a few more months. But don’t let the weather get you down (or out of shape); try one of these six indoor workouts for runners! 

Angela at Happy Fit Mama partnered up a six awesome running bloggers to bring you some fun, effective, and new workouts each month (huge shout-out and thanks to her for putting this together!). This month’s theme is seasonally appropriate: indoor workouts for runners who are stuck inside!

Check out these 6 indoor workouts for runners the next time you need a quick sweat session while stuck inside.

6 Indoor Workouts for Runners

Most runners opt for the treadmill or elliptical over anything else if running outside is not an option. However, as we all know, the treadmill and the elliptical can get very boring very quickly. 

So why not take advantage of the other pieces of equipment in your gym when you’re stuck inside? These 6 indoor workouts for runners will provide a quick yet effective cardio and strength workout for those days you just can’t (or don’t want to) run outside.

I haven’t used it in a long time, but one of my favorite pieces of equipment for a stuck inside sweat session is a simple jump rope! I used a jump rope frequently back when I lived in the Midwest, before I had a treadmill, to get in a good heart-pumping sweat session on those days where it snowed so much that I couldn’t even drive to the gym.

You can either skip or jump using the jump rope. I prefer to skip (single leg jumping versus double leg) using the rope, since the moving mimic that movement of running and helps improve my cadence.

For all of the other movements, you can use dumbbells, medicine balls, or kettlebells—whatever you have available!

Before you begin, perform a few dynamic stretches to loosen up your muscles and transition your body from a state of rest to a state of activity.

Check out these 6 indoor workouts for runners the next time you need a quick sweat session while stuck inside.

Rotating Lunges: Hold a medicine ball with both hands in front of your chest. Step your right foot back and lower into a lunge, then rotate your torso from the waist to the left, so that you’re holding the medicine ball over your left leg. Pause, and then repeat by stepping back your left leg and rotating to the right. Do 15 times per side.

Squats to Overhead Press: Stand with your legs slightly wider than hip width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your elbows bent and your hands by your shoulders. Lower down and back into a squat, pause, and then slowly return to upright. Extend your arms up and push the weights overhead, pause, and then slowly lower to complete one rep.

Pushups: Begin in straight arm plank position, with your hands directly beneath your shoulders. Bend your elbows and lower your body down, making sure that you keep your core engaged and your back straight. Slowly push back to start to complete one rep. If you need to, drop down to your knees.

Woodchops: Hold a medicine ball, dumbbell, or kettlebell with both hands in front of your chest. While keeping your core engaged and your back flat (no arching!), twist at your waist to rotate to the right and extend the weight overhead. Twist to your left while lowering into a squat and bring the weight down by your left hip. You do not want to use momentum for this move, so be deliberate. Rotate back to the right and extend the weight overhead, and continue to repeat. Once you’ve done all of the reps, switch to the other side. (This video demonstrates how to do a woodchop properly). 

All of these moves are total body strengtheners, which are ideal for runners for multiple reasons. Running is a total body activity: your glutes, core, upper back, arms, and legs all work in coordination to propel you swiftly forward. Additionally, total body strengtheners will save you time in the gym and are more effective than isolated movements. 

Now, what if you don’t want to jump rope? Maybe you live on a top floor apartment or don’t have space at home. Then be sure try one of these other five workouts! 

Bodyweight Tabata Workout for Runners from Angela at Happy Fit Mama

Check out these 6 indoor workouts for runners the next time you need a quick sweat session while stuck inside.

Indoor Workout for Runners from Carly at Fine Fit Day

Check out these 6 indoor workouts for runners the next time you need a quick sweat session while stuck inside.

Indoor Sweat Session for Runners from Allie at Vita Train for Life

Check out these 6 indoor workouts for runners the next time you need a quick sweat session while stuck inside.

Indoor Sweat Session for Runners from Sarah at Run Far Girl

Check out these 6 indoor workouts for runners the next time you need a quick sweat session while stuck inside.

Indoor Sweat Session for Runners from Nellie at Brooklyn Active Mama 

Check out these 6 indoor workouts for runners the next time you need a quick sweat session while stuck inside.

[Tweet “6 Indoor Workouts for Runners @happyfitmama @CarlyPizzani @runfargirl @vitatrain4life @BklynActiveMama @thisrunrecipes #workoutsforrunners”]

Linking up for Wild Workout Wednesday!

What workout do you do when you’re stuck inside? 
Lunges: love them or leave them? I love them!
Which do you prefer: kettlebell, dumbbells, bodyweight, or medicine ball?

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40 Responses

  1. Woohhooo!!! I love this workout although I suck at jump rope. Usually I’ll just mimic the activity rather physically use one. Otherwise I’d end up throwing the thing! And single leg or traveling lunges are my BFF!

    1. I tripped over jump ropes all the time also! I eventually got a light and long one and then just adjusted it at the handles. Traveling lunges are so fun but so hard! and Thank you for hosting!! 🙂

  2. I’m so excited to be collaborating with you on this series! I actually LOVE to jump rope but I don’t hardly ever do it? Thanks for the reminder and the great workout!!

    1. I bet you could swap the bike for the cardio segments of these workouts! Or just ditch the jump rope/plyos and still get in an awesome strength workout. You’re getting back to the impact stuff soon and I’m so happy for you that you’re recovering well!

  3. I’m always nervous to try anything other than running because I’m worried about getting injured, stressing out my IT band or something. I’m such a geek. Lately I’ve been doing planks, bridges, crunches and then these hip strengthening exercises but that’s about it. I guess I just geek out on the treadmill when I’m stuck inside!

    1. I get worried about that also, but jump rope is just similar enough to running where you should be good. And I usually geek out on the treadmill also, but it’s nice to have a more fun strength training routine since strength training is like flossing for me. But planks and bridges like you’re doing really cover all the bases (and on another note, I think you’d love Pilates because it’s all planks, sit ups, bridges, and hips!).

    1. Lunges will make running so much easier, especially the end of a long run or race. I got my exercise ball from Target and it was a good price and has lasted a long time!

  4. I love these kind of indoor workouts, because they mean that I don’t have to skip a workout if it’s a day that a workout sounds REALLY good, but it’s just not feasible to do it outside.

    1. I agree! I used to keep Jillan Michaels videos in my dorm room in college for that reason – sometimes you just really want to work out when the weather isn’t safe/pleasant. I hope you enjoy these workouts if you try them!

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