Mile Markers: Rise and Run

Mile Markers: Rise and Run

Summers in Seattle mean early sunrises and fall-like temperatures in those early hours of the morning – perfect for running. Fall is usually my favorite time of year for running, but right now I don’t want the early sunrise runs of summer to come to an end. In winter, I’ll run later in the morning to take advantage of daylight, but during summer months, I like the routine of rising and running to get in my miles early. The sunrises are slowly getting later, so I’m enjoying these early morning runs while I can.

Mile Markers: Rise and Run

Monday: 6 mile run

Ryan and I took the dogs out for a run and decided mid-run to go further than planned. Charlie did so well at 6 miles, which still is the farthest our little puggle has ever run. 

The weather was chilly. A thick fog had descended over the bog and the temperature was easily in the 40s. I wore arm warmers  – in the middle of July!

Mile Markers

Tuesday: 5 mile run & 40 minutes Pilates

Another chilly, foggy morning run! The sunrise is later and later each week, as late as 5:30 AM now (dawn is at 4:50), which makes me a bit sad for when fall comes and the mornings will be dark. But for now, I’m savoring these morning runs. 

Mile Markers

Wednesday: 7 mile run & 30 minutes strength training

Ollie and I got out with the sunrise for our run. We ran 7 miles on a hilly route, with the last 2 miles at a steady state effort (7:49, 7:39). 

My strength training workout kicked my butt. I have been increasing my weights and went up to 40 pounds for single leg deadlifts. That, combined with the pull-ups, rendered me sore the next day! I think the heavier weights have been paying off: I feel leaner and stronger. 

2 x 10 lateral lunges (30 lbs)
2 x 8 single leg deadlifts (40 lbs)
2 x 35 ft bear crawls
2 x 8 stability ball pikes
2 x 10 hamstring ball curls
2 sets of assisted pull-ups to failure: 6 on the first set, 3 on the second set

Thursday: 4 mile run

I felt the fatigue from Wednesday’s strength training as soon as I woke up. The combination of the fatigue and humidity meant that this morning’s run was kept to a very easy effort – when I checked my watch after the workout, it reported a 9:30/mile average pace. 

Ryan and I took both dogs with us on the run, which meant a few stops. Charlie had to stop for the bathroom several times, and then poor Ollie lost it when a large truck drove past us on a narrow stretch of road then circled back, drove by us again, and then drove by us a third time as it went back in the original direction. We had to stop and calm Ollie down, as he was shaking in fear. Some days, he does okay with trucks, other days, the sound of a truck will cause him to cower. 

Friday: 5 mile run 

Ryan and I left the dogs at home for an easy 5 mile run. The sunrise was stunning this morning, even with a layer of fog over the bog. You forget about the months of rainy runs with runs like these! 

Mile Markers

We saw Dunkirk after work, which truly is a masterpiece especially the soundtrack and the story arc. I think I held my breath for the entire film. 

Saturday: 4 mile hike

We started hiking at Pratt Lake Trail around 1 PM, during the heat of the day. I was sweating within the first third of a mile! The heat, heavier packs, and 20% incline made the climb up to Ollalie Lake a harder effort, especially during the first half. The cool mountain air made the second half of the hike easier. It took us 2 hours to reach the lake, where we then set up camp with our tent and hammock and spent the day relaxing by the lake, trying not to get bitten by the summer swarms of bugs. 

Mile Markers

Sunday: 4 mile hike

The bugs were terrible when we woke up, so we quickly ate our breakfast and drank coffee while packing up the gear. The hike back down was easy and relaxing, especially once we got away from the bugs at the lake. As soon as we got back to the car, both Ollie and Charlie fell asleep immediately – it was so cute how they snuggled!

Mile Markers

[Tweet “Early sunrise runs and weekend backpacking trip via @thisrunrecipes #running #optoutside”]

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18 Responses

  1. Bear crawls… oooof. This summer’s running has been pretty awesome (even if a bit different than usual!) because of the awesome temps. Today is going to be a bit windy, but I’m heading out for my 5 miles anyway!

  2. I really love Fall running because I’m coming off the gains of summer heat training. You had a really great week with some good workouts- both runs and strength training. I wish I could wake up early in the mornings to run but I’m kinda lazy and like to sleep so I run at lunch instead. It’s hotter but eventually I’ve gotten used to it, and it’s easy runs anyway. I can’t believe it’s so cold somewhere that someone would need arm warmers just because it has been hot here for so long.

    1. Training in heat and humidity – especially like yours – has been shown to actually be similar to training at high elevation, so I bet there are a lot of gains made! And morning runners are just lazy in a different way – my bedtime quite early 🙂

  3. Winter running is my favorite. Especially this year, it feels like I haven’t been able to acclimate to the summer weather at all.

    I love lakeside camping until it starts to get dark and the bugs really come out in force….ugh!

  4. Nice work on the strength workout and feeling stronger! I love waking up and feeling a bit sore and knowing it was a really good workout. I am definitely looking forward to cooler fall runs, but love all this summer light too.

  5. Getting up is by itself a huge challenge for me… let alone getting up and start running x) but I’m getting into running and your blog has been very helpful, so thank you!

  6. Beautiful sunrises!
    My favorite time for running is spring or fall around here, winters are usually dark and wet and summers are scorching hot.

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