I’ll be honest: I am really proud of my body right now and grateful for well I can still run. I’m 21 weeks pregnant and a bit slower than I used to be, but I am handling my mileage well and do not need walk breaks. I even sprinkled a few mini workouts into my runs this week! I’m taking advantage of the second trimester for some faster running, especially since my third trimester will coincide with the summer heat. My paces aren’t as fast as they were even in the first trimester, but running fast is still fun and feels good. Plus, the effort itself is great maintenance while I’m not training for any specific races this year.
Also, you can tell by the lack of actual run photos that it was another week of dreary gray weather.
Monday: 7 miles with fast finish
Finally, a sunny and warm day! After weeks of 40-degree temperatures in the mornings, 60 degrees felt warm but also wonderful. I kept my effort easy for most of the run, until the final mile. I was running into a cooling breeze and felt good, so picked it up a bit for the last 3/4 mile to around a 7:20-7:30/mile pace.
Tuesday: 50-minute easy run & injury prevention
The rain returned on Monday afternoon, so Tuesday morning was humid and foggy. I took Ollie out for an easy 50-minute run. I immediately followed the run up with some injury prevention work: band exercise for the feet and ankles, banded single leg bridges, banded clamshells, deadbugs, and bird dogs.
Wednesday: 1 hour run with 12 x 30-second surges
Somehow, my usual running hour coincided with some sun peeking through. Even with a strong breeze, a sliver of sunshine makes a difference in this never-ending hangover of winter. I ran for one hour and threw in 12 x 30-second surge, 60 seconds easy in the middle for a small dose of speed. I am really enjoying surges, as they are fun and let me run fast without fatiguing (and I fatigue much sooner at faster paces right now). I finished my hour at exactly 7 miles, which was rather satisfying.
Thursday: 30 minutes strength training
I save strength workouts from trusted experts on Instagram. That way, when I’m at a loss of what to do, I do not have to give much thought to my strength training. Mary Johnson (@itsamarython) is a running and strength coach and she’s also expecting her first child, so I’ve saved several of her prenatal strength videos. I slightly modified this one for my workout:
3 sets: Lateral band walks, Monster band walks
3 sets: 8 KB single leg deadlifts, 10 KB bent over rows, 10 side planks with knee drives
3 sets: 10 KB goblet squats, 8 elevated push-ups, 10 med ball deadbugs
Friday: 40-minute run & 25 min Pilates
I probably would have run for longer if the weather had been better. Ollie and I stepped out the door at 6 AM to true Seattle weather of micro-rain, gray skies, and 45 degree temperatures – except we don’t live in Seattle anymore. May in the Midwest should be sunny and warm!
I knew I would be slow in the cold rain and I was right – I never felt like I warmed up. So, we kept the pace easy and slow for those 40 minutes. I covered up watch completely and simply enjoyed the run.
After the run, I completed 25 minutes of Pilates – the same prenatal Pilatesology video from the past couple weeks.
Saturday: 7 mile run
Ryan and I enjoyed another seven miler together on Saturday morning. It took me five of those seven miles to actually feel fully warmed up. Running through pregnancy involves tight muscles and slower recovery, but I don’t mind it since I can still enjoy runs like these.
I tested my Ultimate Direction vest with the bottles filled up, since I always prefer to test gear a few times before using it on a long run. I just need more water in general with pregnancy, so it was nice to have a bottle even on an hour-long run. The UD vest is so comfortable that I barely noticed it!
Sunday: Rest day
This weekend’s big project was painting Isla’s room. One of my quirks is that I dislike arts and crafts but things like painting a room are oddly enjoyable for me. We picked a vibrant green for her room.
Linking up with Weekly Rundown!
How was your week in running?
What’s your current favorite piece of gear for long runs?
7 Responses
I feel like we say this every week but…enough with the rain! Anyway – time is cruising right along with your pregnancy. Half way there! I have a UD vest that I love. It’s comfy and has so many pockets that I can stash whatever I might need. I love it!
This spring has really been the worst for us outdoor loving people! I have been enjoying the blooms and all the colors, though. Nice work on your mileage–you are such an inspiration!
It is fabulous that you are feeling so good and able to keep up such an active run schedule. We had rain all weekend too enough already! Happy Mother’s day and hope you have a great week Thanks for linking up!
I love th focus on injury prevention exercises after your run – I do the same thing and it is so helpful and easy to do!
I feel like we are ALL living in Seattle!! This weather is truly horrible and I’ve taken more long, hot showers than I probably did all winter. Despite the horrible weather, it’s great to see you smiling and out there running, inside lifting weights, doing Pilates and basically everything you did before you were pregnant – just awesome! And I LOVE that you painted Isla’s room a vibrant green!!! I hope we get to see some pictures…:-)
Lots of great runs! We had a rather miserable week in Iowa, too. I’m ready for some real Spring weather to return…I know it does exist… Thanks for linking with us!
Mary is my running coach! She is awesome. 🙂 You are doing so well in all of your workouts. The weather just sucks.