Postpartum 10 Training, Week 6

Postpartum 10 Training, Week 6

I really enjoy 10K training. The intensity feels appropriate for being postpartum, yet I also feel like I am getting to enjoy some hard work. Last week I ran almost 33 miles and had two good workouts! 

Postpartum 10 Training, Week 6


Monday: 5 mile easy run

Mondays are my busiest workdays, so I kept my run short and easy. I ran five miles in just over 45 minutes, with rolling hills programmed into the treadmill. I can’t wait until I can take out the jogging stroller in a couple weeks! 

Tuesday: 7.1 mile progression run

I wanted to run longer, but after a tiring day on Monday (busy day of work and a teething baby), I opted for a tiny bit more sleep instead. I selected a 63-minute treadmill program on iFit – the final 10K of the Boston Marathon course. The first segment featured some steeper climbs and then the remainder was rolling hills. In the final 10 minutes, I picked up the pace to 7.5-7.7 mph. It feels good to finish strong!

Wednesday: Strength training

Full push-ups were virtually impossible for me in the past, but I executed 3 sets of 3-4! The program prescribed 5-7 reps and hopefully I can get there within the next few sessions. 

Postpartum 10 Training, Week 6


Thursday: 10 mile long run

I started this run knowing that, if Isla slept in until her normal time (and you could set a clock by her), I could log 90 minutes of running. So I figured I would aim for 8-10 miles, depending on how I felt since I was a bit sore from strength training. I felt good physically and was enjoying my podcasts. I alternated between an 8:35 and 9:05/mile pace every 1/2 mile (after 2 miles warm up) and the miles ticked by quickly. 

I will say that recovery after long runs looks a lot different now. I chugged some water and ate a slice of toast as I prepped her supplemental bottle (she needs either solids or formula after every nursing session to keep her weight gain on track), then jumped into taking care of her. 

Friday: 3.5 mile recovery run

I delayed starting this run because I definitely felt the effects of the previous day’s long run. I sipped on coffee, replied to emails, and waited as late as possible to get moving. Once I started running, I felt better. I set the treadmill for a very easy pace (10:00/mile) and my legs loosened up by the end. 

Saturday: 5 x 5 minute fartlek (7.3 miles total) & strength training

I am in the process of relearning how to push myself hard again. I did several workouts during pregnancy, but they all were slightly constrained. I ran one of my favorite fartleks, 5 x 5 minutes at fast tempo with a 2-minute recovery jog. I started at 7:24, averaged a 7:15-7:20/mile for the middle three, and then slowed down a bit to 7:30 in the final interval. 

Postpartum 10 Training, Week 6

As soon as I got home, I squeezed in two sets of my ReCore2 workout before waking Isla up for the day. 

In the afternoon, I recovered with a long stroller walk with Isla and Ryan. We love taking long walks as a family! 

Sunday: Rest day!

With such beautiful weather, we could not resist a long walk outside! We walked about three miles. 

Linking up with Weekly Rundown

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8 Responses

  1. I am always so impressed by how you manage your time and your workouts so well with a teething baby, A solid week of training nicely done and thanks for linking up today

  2. Great job this week! Post run looks so different for me now too. I used to spend like 15 minutes stretching/foam rolling and posting on instagram. Now I walk in the house and an immediately on mom duty.

  3. amazing week this week Laura! well done! I am training for a 10K but definitely not as seriously as you are. I also don’t think I have any runs longer than 14KM so not even reaching the 10 mile run. I’m saving all that for Chicago marathon training.

  4. I’m always so impressed about how thoughtful and well-planned your workouts are! Plus balancing it all with being a mom–nice work!

    When is your race?

  5. Isn’t it crazy how flexible training has to be with little ones in the house?! Yet I have never regretted having a goal race postpartum – personally I find it to be a de-stressor for me 🙂 Keep up your great work!

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