Weekly Workouts: Chasing Strava Crowns

Weekly Workouts: Chasing Strava Crowns

I’m a bit obsessed with Strava. On Strava, runners can virtually compete against each other on segments. The fastest man and woman each can claim a crown. On an unstructured faster run a couple months ago, I nabbed second on local segment that was 0.97 miles in length. The crown time was just fast enough where I might have to work for it. Since this was a cutback week, I decided to chase the crown this week. 

Weekly Workouts: Chasing Strava Crowns

Monday: 2 mile walk

Per our usual Monday summer routine, Ryan, my mom, the dogs, Isla (in our Osprey backpack), and I took a walk through the park. 

Tuesday: 4 mile park run

I took Ollie out for a short park run. Since my parents were leaving town, I wanted to prioritize time with them. Four miles is enough to get in a good run without being gone too long.

Wednesday: 6 mile run with 1 mile hard & strength training

This run focused on earning a Strava crown. I put on my race/speedwork shoes just for fun. I ran just over three miles to the start of the segment, then briefly paused.

Since the segment was just under a mile, I planned on running one mile hard. I did not want to run all-out; I aimed for probably 90-95% effort. For the mile, I ran a 6:38; my average pace for the segment clocked in at 6:23 (a 6:34/mile pace), which secured the crown with a large cushion! Then I ran home to round out to six miles for the day.

Weekly Workouts: Chasing Strava Crowns

Later, I completed the Running Rewired hip circuit and Trail Runner 8-min speed legs circuit. I used Isla as a weight on the goblet squats, which she thought was hilarious. 

Thursday: 5 mile stroller run

The main road by our neighborhood is under road construction. This creates a few bumpy patches when the pathway crosses the street or side streets, so I just walked through those. I kept the rest of the run comfortable and easy. 

Friday: 5 mile stroller run

This run was very similar to Thursday’s run. I set out with the intention of 4-5 miles and felt good, so we did 5. Even five degrees cooler weather makes a difference! 

Weekly Workouts: Chasing Strava Crowns

Saturday: 10 mile long run

Usually I start early to complete my long run before Isla wakes up. However, since Ryan planned to spend most of the day with his dad, I opted for a leisurely morning drinking coffee and watching gear reviews on YouTube with him. It was cooler, which made it less urgent to start before 8 AM also.

Ryan and I ran together for the first three miles and he pushed the stroller. He had to meet up his dad to work on a birthday present for Isla, so he ran home and we stayed at the loop for the rest of the run. I pushed the stroller for 7 more miles. 

Sunday: 3 mile recovery run & strength training

After a morning rain, it was overwhelmingly muggy outside. Ryan and I took Isla on a short stroller run and then followed it with a mile or so walk. 

Once we arrived home, I quickly ate a snack, put Isla down for her nap, and then lifted weights. I opted for the horizontal force workout from Running Rewired, which included several hinge and push exercises. 

Linking up with Weekly Rundown

How was your week in running?
Do you use Strava? 

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6 Responses

  1. So funny–I wrote on Friday that I received notice that someone beat my segment in Wisco. I never even knew it was a thing, lol! Then I saw KOM and QOM–altho it’s in respect to mountain biking, I think those acronyms apply to all the segments. Go for it!!!

  2. I literally just found out about the strava crown thing when I got a notice that someone beat my bike segment. I am going to have to win that one back next week for sure. Nicely done this week!

  3. My husband and I went out one day and crushed a few segments. I think at least one of them is still standing too! But have you been capturing any Local Legend titles? I’m such a creature of habit on my runs that I have 7 titles already!

  4. Hah! I guess one advantage of being a mediocre runner and cyclist is not having to worry about Strava segments — although I do sometimes beat my own records. Great week!

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