Weekly Workouts: Relaxed Running

Weekly Workouts: Relaxed Running

Last week I took a big cutback week for no other reason than I could. I was due for one after three weeks of 40+ miles and increased intensity (for me). While we are still abiding by social distance protocols (and always wearing masks), Indiana is in stage four and we were able to have guests stay with us for the holiday weekend. I ran less to enjoy more time with friends.

I also have my eyes on some big fall goals, for which training will ramp up now. I plan to run 31 km for my 31st birthday, I have a rescheduled 5K on the calendar, and I hope to run the Indy Monumental Marathon if it is safe and happens. July will be spent building up long runs for the 31km run, and then August will shift in marathon training. With training soon having a specific focus, I enjoyed a week of unscheduled, whatever-I-felt-like runs. 

Weekly Workouts: Relaxed Running

Monday: Rest day

I attempted to give blood on Monday evening. The needle was poorly placed and my donation was taking too long, then I started to feel lightheaded (probably from the sight of the volunteer constantly adjusting the needle), so I had to stop after only about a 1/4-1/3 of a pint. 

Tuesday: 5 mile easy run

Even though I did not have a full donation the day before, I wanted to be cautious with my run. I felt fatigued for a whole week after the last time I gave blood. I opted to run on the treadmill so I could stop at any point. Isla hung out in her pack-and-play and we listened to the Moana soundtrack. She was happy with her toys and I felt good, so I ran five easy miles. 

Wednesday: 5.6 mile stroller run

The heat and humidity were in full force even at 8 AM. I am not entirely comfortable in the heat yet, but I can feel the acclimation occurring. Even in 87% humidity and 75 degree temperatures, I was able to stay below my aerobic threshold for a stroller run. 

Weekly Workouts: Relaxed Running

Thursday: 4.1 mile stroller run

It was very, very hot and muggy on Thursday, so I kept our stroller run short. 

Friday: 3 mile trail run & strength training

I intended to run longer, but I took advantage of a leisurely morning and did not get out the door until 7 AM – and our friends were arriving by 7:30. It was nice to have a cutback week from my normal rise-and-run routine. Since I knew my run would be short, I took Ollie with me to the neighboring park for a cross-country run. We ran three miles in muggy weather. 

I have slacked on strength training over the past few weeks, but at least have been consistent with one session. At the very least, I do Jay Dicharry’s hip circuit from Running Rewired (although I currently sub pushups for burpees). I can do this while playing with Isla, who thinks it is hilarious to climb on me during the prone and supine movements. 

Saturday: 5K time trial

On last year’s Independence Day, I ran an impromptu 5K at 6.5 months pregnant and averaged an 8:48/mile pace. This year, I decided at the last minute to make that a tradition simply because it sounded fun. I barely warmed up (just a few minutes of jogging) and then took off on the same route. The route has some small rollers, but it also avoids any traffic stops. I set my Garmin in the finish time mode for a 5K race and then took off. 

From the start, I knew the heat and humidity would affect my performance. It was in the mid-70s with 100% humidity – swampy is an understatement. I gradually picked up my pace in the first mile, which logged at 7:11. I did not want to crash and burn for just a time trial, so I pushed to about 95% for the middle mile and ran a 7:08. The final mile was hard, as I was feeling very hot, but I just kept grinding and hit a 7:05/mile. The final 0.1 mile was at a 6:53, making the total time 22:11 (per my Garmin).

It’s far off my PR, but my fitness is progressing even from the 10K time trial I ran in May. I was happy when I plugged this into the VDOT calendar and realized the heat likely added 10 seconds per mile!

Weekly Workouts: Relaxed Running

I think it also took my 22 minutes to stop sweating. I looked like I had gone swimming when I returned home! 

Sunday: 3 mile run & strength training

Ryan and I took Isla on a short stroller run. Even though it was earlier in the morning, it was sweltering hot and muggy. We kept a very light pace and took a couple walk breaks to avoid overheating. 

I had not done heavier lifting in a couple weeks (due to family in town then moving my long run). It felt good to lift again! I stuck to the basic Performance Prep routine from Running Rewired, although I scaled back from three sets to two. This workout included bear crawls, two types of squats, single leg deadlifts, kettlebell swings, pushups, suitcase carries, and more. 

Linking up with Weekly Rundown

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7 Responses

  1. Glad to hear that things are going well in Indiana. I will be bringing my son back to school and helping to move him into his apartment next month. Who knows what school will be like this semester! Hope you had a nice time with your friends this weekend! Thanks for linking up and have a good one

  2. As always, you are so steady and methodical about your running! I’m trying to be more disciplined and running by HR has been very helpful, especially with this ridiculous heat and humidity. Yesterday took a toll on me and I’m still feeling a little yucky. Instead of the run that was scheduled today, I went for a bike ride.

  3. Nice to be able to spend time with friends — I’d definitely make that a priority these days. I’m too bored to take a cutback week — but am trying to balance easy days so I don’t overdo it.

  4. Awesome job on that 5K time trial! While my 5K race was nothing close to your’s (in terms of speed), I was amazed at how “fast” I actually ran it in the heat/humidity…apparently all those 5K time trials are paying off. Great week…scaling things back is always a treat, especially when there’s no guilt in doing so 😉

  5. Awesome job on that 5k!!! I also love the Moana soundtrack and would play it for my students in my classroom.

    I can also relate to sweating so much after a run. I have to sit down on my steps for a little bit before going inside.

  6. Great work, especially on your time trial! That’s hard in the heat and humidity! You rocked it!

    Nothing too crazy over here. Just running and walking as much as I can to keep moving. I, too, have slacked on my strength training.

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